Served by Nature

Natural product and taste sensation


to Casavurga

Casavurga has always been synonymous with fertility, authenticity and abundance

Casavurga is a historic area in the small Calabrian village Belsito. A splendid uncontaminated sun-kissed valley surrounded by woods. It has always been Known for its fertility, authenticity and its abundance.

Four young Calabrian professionals changed their live by dedicating themselves to agriculture and establishing the company in total respect for the environment, leading a life dedicated to nature to offer products of excellence and unique taste sensations.

The production plant is located in the centre of the farm and it is perfectly integrated with the rural landscape.

Not the usual farm

Passion and Knowledge

Love for Nature

100% Natural Ingredients

Natura ingredients and traditional receips

Customer Satistaction

Our mission: to satisfy and anticipate our customers' needs.

Ancient Tradition

Respect for environment and taste stories


Calabrian Honey,
the food of Gods

Honey has been produced in Calabria since ancient times and it’s  appreciated for its beneficial properties.

Considered by the Greeks “the food of Gods” and by Pythagoras the elixir of long life, Casavurga honey is obtained from domestic bees starting from the nectar of flowers or from secreted by aphids and some scale insects as they feed on plant sap.

It is a product that does not require any transformation by man, but is exclusively the result of the great work of bees. Rich in simple sugars, it is an energy food and sweetener.

If the bees disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live

Albert Einstein


We love our bees

Our beekeepers take care of hives and control all the processes in order to collect honey by preserving its organoleptic qualities.


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